19 July 2009

144. A New Squad! Two People and a Dog?!

Worth watching as a manga-standard episode? Some backstory for Iruka-sensei.
Worth watching for the lulz? No, no, come on, be fair, this arc is trying to be serious. *Snort*

Iruka and Mizuki are still holding that damn kunai to kunai pose. Seeing that punching Fuujin and Raijin didn't work, Naruto, naturally, does the exact same thing again. Iruka tries to get through to Mizuki, but all he can babble about is obtaining power. I don't think he even knows what he's going to do with it when he gets it. Mizuki runs off in a game of tag and everyone follows. Iruka steals Kakashi's line as his own (looking underneath the underneath) and Mizuki complains it's his, resulting in a battle of plagiarism. Though not quite as fierce as one over tracing on Deviantart.

Pakkun calls it as he sees it.

Naruto pouts because it isn't him fighting the main bad guy for once, but can't get this into the thick skulls of the Stupid Brothers. He is about to rasengan them (because when isn't he?) but one steps on their lunch, ruining it. They then get as wild and terrifying as a group of cosplayers screaming for bento at Otakon.

Dear god chuunin battles are boring. There's safety in making stabby every ten minutes with a kunai and never deviating from this, it seems. A flashback is welcome for a change, as we go to bitty Iruka and Mizuki. Iruka shouts that he isn't upset about his parents dying and that to die during combat for the village is an honour. Sandaime sees through this, possibly because Iruka has tears streaming down his face. Mizuki appears from a bush and they run off to play together, holding hands. This gets turned on its head, however, as Mizuki reveals that his bush perving was surprisingly not innocent! He has always hated Iruka and his stupid ponytail! The rapidly dying flame of hope for three-dimensional characterisation is getting pissed on. He's all evil, all the time.

One of the interchangeable brothers decides to address the crotch of the other:

and it ends on a high note with the 'we r awesum n pwn ur faise' Team 10 coming to save the day maybe.

[Naruto is currently fighting the Stupid Brothers (I'm not making that name up by the way, that is how they're referred to in the show. Yeah.) but there was a time when he wasn't! Let's go to that time!]

Naruto: Sakura-chan! I'm going to go all out at training today, want to come watch?

Sakura: You say that every day. I can't, I have training myself with Tsunade-shishou.

Naruto: If Sakura-chan chooses women over men, does that mean she's a lesbian?

Sakura: NA-RU-TO! [I said oops upside your head, I said oops up upside your head.]

[Suddenly there is the strange yet distinct sound of laughter. Very false and badly recorded laughter.]

Naruto: W-what was that?

[Sai appears.]

Sai: Hello Sakura-san and Naruto-kun.

Sakura: ...have we met?

Sai: Oh that's right, for me to appear now is an anachronism. [Looks round.] Well, I can't say I feel any different appearing in Naruto and not just Naruto Shippuuden.

Naruto: What's this guy talking about?

Sai: I see I should formally introduce myself as is the social ceremony I have read about in books. My name is Sai. I am an artist. I also have the power to break the fourth wall.

Naruto: The what?

Sai: It is a term derived from the theatre, meaning a character addresses the audience or makes references to the fictional status of the sketch.

Sakura: But this isn't a sketch – this is our lives.

Sai: That is what you believe.

Naruto: So you're here to give us an epiphany about the truth as to the level of predestination in our lives and show us we can create our own fate through following our own beliefs and impulses rather than going along with present traditions and values imposed upon us by a distant god-like figure we are taught to believe in without question.

[Sakura stares at him.]

Naruto: You know, I do have other friends than you.

Sakura: Just because you fought Neji in the chuunin exams-

Naruto: Like that would count! Nah, we go for beers every Thursday.

Sakura: That doesn't count? But in the Forest of Death I had a showdown with Tenten-

Sai: Which was never publicised because she's too minor a character.

Sakura: -I thought that meant we were best friends!

Naruto: I'm pretty sure Tenten hates you.

Sakura: I won't cry, I won't cry.

Sai: [Clicks his fingers and an audience's sympathetic 'awwwww' sound can be heard.] I'm afraid I can't say much about that. I'm mostly here to make jokes about your penis.

Naruto: My Dodgedick Sense™ is tingling. If you try and grab it, I'll kancho you to hell, you Sasuke-wannabe!

Sai: Yes, I've read Gaijin Smash too.

Naruto: Eh?


Orochimaru: No, no, no, no, no! It's step, pause, turn, pause, hand seal, step, step! Not step, pause, turn, pause, hand seal, step, pause! [Slaps him.]

Sasuke: [Grits teeth.] Still. Better then. Being in the. Fillers.

Sai: That was a reference to the American hit tv show The Simpsons.

Sasuke: Who the hell are you?

Orochimaru: And how did you get in here?!

Kabuto: I knew it was a bad idea spending all our resources only strengthening walls one to three.

Team members: Naruto and Iruka
Number of kage bunshin no jutsus: 2 (plus some continued bunshin action from the previous episode)
Number of rasengans: 1
Next week: "Shut up and watch, Ino." Misogyny at its finest.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Sai <3 Glad he kinda appeared even though he's not in the fillers (he should have been! Would have made the fillers a lot better)
