19 September 2010

170. Crash! The Closed Door

Worth watching as a manga-standard episode? Meh, it's probably better to fast-forward to the Anko flashbacks.
Worth watching for the lulz? There are no lulz to be had. Gonna level with you – this review is tiny short because...I didn't have much to say. But quantity over quality always! (That's how that goes, right?)

Anko gives up on looking for Naruto, because her net stocking is disintegrating in the salt water and if she left it any longer, 4Kids would have to cut her out of her own backstory plot. In the bat cave, Oro meets with a guy he left in charge of research before he went a-hunting for some juicy necks to nibble and found an Uchiha. That's dedication right there, I mean that was seasons ago – a promotion for you, good evil villain sir! All the young children to cut into and stitch on gills and horns and whatnot that you could possibly dream of! And a Christmas goose, but of course! We get a glimpse of Sasuke to fool people into keeping watching. He's already wearing the Pedo Shirt and what appears to be some kind of man-skirt that matches Oro's. Oh Saucegay, how the mighty have fallen.

In a hurry to molest? Try Pedo Shirt – instant accessibility for today's pedo on the go!

Despite sending out the bug brigade and Ino emoing (imoing?) it up in a boat, no one can find Naruto. The escort mission has been moved forward and now they only have a day to find him. Elsewhere, Naruto wakes up and he's been turned into a mermaid! Ok no he hasn't. Bandages saved him and Naruto's fine and as orange as ever. They chat and Bandages gets pissy when he says he's going to bag him some Kaima. Hmmm I wonder why – one might say there's something a little fishy about this girl. Ohohohohohochortlechoke. Outside, we see Bandages' house has been vandalised and some village kids are lurking with rocks. This isn't her day. One sneaks up on Naruto, surpassing his ninja skills, to boot him on the shin. Bandages tells him to leave it be and starts pushing all his empathy buttons by explaining that since she was spirited away, it's no surprise people think she's a monster. She's a monster. No surprise. These are all words from the previous sentence that foreshadow nothing.

Shino and Ino are still looking for Naruto while Anko tries and fails to find a less flasher-like trench coat. They hear the tale of the island where anyone who approaches mysteriously disappears. Hmmm, all except our Miss Bump. There's a flashback of Anko being found and interrogated. Tsunade muses that Anko blocked most of her time with Oro, and that this return to where she was abandoned might bring back her memory. From the number of episodes left in this arc, I'm gonna guess yes. Someone gives Naruto a link to y!Gallery:

And this happens:

Bandages fishes up. SHE IS REALLY THE KAIMA OH MY GOD WHAT CONFLICT AND DRAMA SHALL BE BROUGHT FORTH FROM THIS TWIST. Shino and Ino (I enjoy saying their names together. What do people who ship Shino and Ino do when going for the fashionable combining of the names anyway? I genuinely need to know like burning - answers on a postcard, dear readers) are hot on her scaly tail, while Anko's curse seal starts a-throbbing as there's something familiar about that girl/fish. Why, she's only an experiment she saw as a child under Orochimaru's greasy grasp (who hasn't aged?). Naruto catches up as Bandages has been caught for the dish of the day, but she escapes and makes for the ocean, free at last:

Except a dude catches her. Time for a Naruto reaction shot:

Oh come on, we had this only one ep ago.

Team members: Naruto, Shino, Ino and Anko
Number of kage bunshin no jutsus: 0!
Number of rasengans: 0!
Next week:

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