13 February 2010

158. Everyone Follow Me! The Survival Scheme of Sweat and Tears

Worth watching as a manga-standard episode? Not really. Good for lots of different character moments, but plot is s-l-o-w.
Worth watching for the lulz? Booby booby no jutsu. You may come to your own conclusion.

Everyone has been called to Tsunade's office to help with genin training. They will each take a genin team and lead them to a mountain. And let's stop right there.

Dave: Ah, mountains. Visually appealing, easy to draw and...

Filler writer 3: Symbolic?

Dave: Excellent, Number 3!

Filler writer 2: Show off.

Dave: Let's send the genin up a mountain and surely the plot will write itself!

[Ten minutes later.]

Dave: Ok, read out what we've got so far.

Filler writer 1: Chouji being knowledgeable about plants, Neji knowing about the sun or something...

Dave: Good, and how long does that take up? Fifteen minutes?

Filler writer 3: Two.

Dave: [Slams his hands down on the table.] We're not harnessing the power of the mountain! Think majesty! Think soaring to great heights!

Filler writer 1: Pizza's here.

Filler writer 3: They better not have forgotten my extra mushrooms.

Filler writer 1: Well we're not sending it back if they have. You know how hard it is to find a company that delivers to a cave?

Filler writer 2: Dave, would you like some of my Mighty Meaty?

Dave: I want this damn episode written!

Filler writer 1: Don't worry boss, I have an idea.

Dave: Is it a riveting narrative of love and betrayal on a mountain?

Filler writer 1: ...sort of.

Filler writer 3: Where are my fucking mushrooms?!

Naruto initially refuses to help out, but is duped into it by the announcement/blatant lie that this will help him become Hokage. He gets assigned Konohamaru's team.

In case anyone wanted to read Tsunade's list. No there isn't a joke to go with this. What, you people expect me to be on all the frickin time?

Chouji's team get informed that there is a plant called the Shinobi Aid plant, but also warned that there is a Shinobi Blockage plant. Is there some kind of darts board the writers are using for this stuff?

Dave: Good shot at that dartboard, Number 1! Someone write 'blockage' down and use it in a creative yet suitable for before the watershed way.

Filler writer 1: And to think my mother said those five years in Darts School would never amount to anything!

Neji says something complicated about being able to find south with a wristwatch, simply to prove how useless Naruto is. He gets his team lost and my god we're ten minutes into this episode already and there is just nothing noteworthy to say. Lee's joy at being called 'Lee-sensei' and wanting everyone to run and sweat into the sunset is heart-warming in only the way a guy wearing green spandex yelling about secretion of salt-water from the body can be.

This episode made me turn to the English dubbed series as there is some difference in translation for the scene where Naruto's group is attacked by practice enemies. The one I'd originally seen – and incidentally my favourite for throwing all subtlety out the window – was booby booby no jutsu. Yes. We now live in a world where that is a genuine jutsu. I'll give you all a moment to dwell on that.

As I was saying, I only speak Fangirl Japanese, not actual Japanese, so I rely on Narutopedia to inform me that 'puri puri no jutsu' translates to 'pudding technique’. This makes a little more sense when Team Goggles announce this collection of WTF: in a sparkling transformation, Udon becomes 'custard boobies', Moegi is 'cherry chip boobies' and Konohamaru is 'cow's milk boobies'. The dub valiantly tries to make sense of the images on our screens. This is a dangerous idea. It leads to the association of Udon with a tanning salon receptionist, finishing with the chant of 'cheesy, cheesy cheesecake'. I wish I was making this up.

I don't think the filler writers quite understand the importance of sexy no jutsu in our lives. How dare they mess with canon, trying to answer the age old questions that have plagued fandom since the internet began? It makes a mockery of website upon website devoted to thoughts such as: can a girl perform this technique? If so, wouldn't she turn into a dude? Wouldn't her changing into a female more attractive than herself suggest a hideously low self-esteem in the user and a desperate cry for help? Doesn't this completely contradict Shippuuden episode 80? Alas, we have no time for these insightful questions; however we do have time for me to introduce people to the support group I have set up. It is for the victims of the Naruto dub. These poor, unsuspecting children (and are we not all children at heart?) were set upon and viciously ear raped by this woman:

I ask that we all rally together in this difficult time to put a stop to the madness that this woman sounds a) like a twelve year old boy and b) like an entity who is not furiously inserting a pineapple into your ear canal with every breath. Don't let Family Guy fool you into thinking ear rape can ever be consensual. It cannot.

Feel free to distribute this card in doctors' waiting rooms and anime conventions.

Night falls and it starts to rain. Shikamaru enters Iruka's tent and the following exchange takes place:

Iruka: What's wrong?

Shikamaru: Since our character designs are too similar, we only get so much allotted screen time together. By coming to see you now, I've used it up for the rest of the year.

Iruka: Well that's just great. Did you ever stop and think that maybe I like to play shogi? I have a life outside of the Academy you know! Spending all day every day with a bunch of kids, sometimes I want to talk to someone intelligent and have a thought-provoking conversation! With a glass of wine! And maybe a cigar! Hell yeah, Iruka could smoke a cigar!

Shikamaru: ...I'd better be going. By the way, you'll never be allowed to smoke a cigar. Too similar to my smoking Asuma's cigarettes thing.


[Exeunt Shikamaru.]

Iruka: [Sigh] Back to practicing our Backstreet Boys tribute band, right guys?

Band: Right!

Naruto and the team climb the mountain...share food...teamwork...Naruto does various things with bunshins and rasengan... Christ this episode is pointless.

Team members: Naruto, Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi
Number of kage bunshin no jutsus: 2
Number of rasengans: 1
Next week: A dog not allowed to drink milk at a bar?! Surely there will be a two episode arc about a hero who can save us!


  1. "Christ this episode is pointless"

    Lol... I can tell from the review.
    You focused more on Dave and the filler writers than you did on the episode.

    Also, in the sub episode I have the plants are called relief and crushing instead of aid and blockage >.>

    You also didn't mention the ending....

    I prefer Booby booby over pudding lol.

  2. That Danish Person16 February 2010 at 22:14

    The episode IS completely pointless.
    This is The Ep where Shikamaru is Gay (oh and by the way looks totally hot omg in real ninja garb while being badassy in the forest but then again I might be judging subjectively because well you know) as he is unaffected by Team Naruto's Accessories' Sexy no Jutsu.
    Later on he is reformed to heterosexuality by Temari's boobs, but we all know that.

  3. >.>
    A week has pasted once again :P

    How did the flat-hunting go btw ?

    @ That Danish person

    The "Sexy no Jutsu" in any form only works on perverts if I'm not mistaken, e.g. the 3rd, Jirayia(sp?) and Ebisu.

  4. Next review will probably be up tonight.

    It was exhausting, but I picked one and have been doing very boring things with paperwork all week. Should be moving next weekend. I'm trying to think of a way to make this comment more interesting, but my abilities are lacking when it isn't related to ninjas apparently :(

  5. Great :D
    I'll be sure to check again later today then.

    Congrats on finding a place are in order I see, so congrats :)
    You spend all week doing boring stuff with paperwork O_o That's odd... here it's just a matter of signing a conract, receive key and that's it.

    Oh.. and your comment was interesting enough, you know. Interesting =/= funny ... or something like that.

  6. Also starting a new job so double the paperwork. For one or the other I have had to give: a copy of my passport, 2 references, a medical questionnaire, an ethnicity questionnaire, forms for health care/dental/pensions, amend the errors in the contract I was sent, sign forms to prove I have read booklets. Plus listening to the government's hold music a lot. Those tunes are depressing.

    Er I may have chosen to watch The Hangover instead, so tomorrow is the day! On the plus side, I can now recommend that film as worth a watch. I Love You Man on the other hand, that would be a no. I feel better about this comment because it is educational.

  7. That's.... a lot of paperwork all right >.<
    Although I have no clue what an ethnicity questionnaire is...
    Hold music has the habit of being lame and is usually repetitive as hell.

    You'd choose a movie over your faithfull
    reader(s) ? Booooo I say to that :P
    I'm going to dl The Hangover and you better pray that I like it >.> Lol

    Educational =/= interesting :P


  8. Haha well if you like the US Office, Andy from that is darling as token nerdy guy. Oh no if you don't like it I'm gonna lose like 50% of my commenters and the other 50% is a pervert...who I know, so really she only comments out of pity brb sobbing.

    ...not that I'm ignoring my occasional anonymous commenters I ALSO LOVE YOU BUT MORE LIKE STEP-CHILDREN I ONLY SEE ON WEEKENDS OK I'M GLAD WE SORTED THIS OUT

  9. Why would I only see step-children on weekends? Do I mean children I lost custody of in the divorce?

    I don't know what I mean.

  10. I've never seen a single episode of The Office >.>
    Don't worry lol... if I don't like it I'll still come here to comment your reviews :P
    I wouldn't want you to lo(o?)se half of your commenters. Although I wasn't aware that I alone was responsible for half of the comments made on this blog... :D

    As for the "step-children on weekends" part, the fact that they're your step-children means that they're your partner's biological children. Hence, he/she lost custody of them during the divorce. Makes perfect sense to me.

  11. I'm watching The Hangover right now >.>
    So far I like it :D
