29 October 2010

November = not a good month for blogs

This is one of those pathetic posts. Haven't updated for a good while (this arc is eye-scratchingly non-hilarious) and I know I won't be posting for November because I shall be NaNoing on something I've been plotting away at for months.

Thanks for checking back guys, and maybe there will be a Halloween update for Christmas Blink-182 stylee.


  1. ...Sadist. :(


  2. I hope you realize you've posted about four times in five months D: D: D:

    I'm reading old reviews to minimise my withdrawal and Jerome's still AWOL.

  3. :O
    No blogs for the entire month of November.. OH WAIT. November is almost over. >.>

  4. *Pulls collar away from neck* Er, that is pretty bad, even by my standards-

    Jerome! You have returned! I was starting to fear creating this blog had brought you into existence and then not posting was slowly killing you until you turned to ash, let me tell you, this is a load off my mind.

    Oh crap, that means I have to update soon doesn't it.


    Jerome shall crumble to dust without you!

    Honestly, at this point I don't care if you just mash the rest of the arc into a small review. Pleeeease update!


    Hi Jerome! Looks like we're the two dedicated fanpeople of this blog.


  6. Emoti, that might be a good idea. Will see how it goes when I rewatch them. I remember I was going to have Evil Kakashi do something interesting... really must stop making all the characters camp.

    Lol commenters on this blog are part of a very exclusive club.

  7. @ Momeraths

    You'd better update more often, otherwise I might die. :X
    My existence depends on it.... apparently. >.>

    How have you been ?

    @ Emotianon

    Lol, we are indeed. Without the 2 of us, this blog would be a ghosttown...
    *tumbleweed blows by*
    I agree with your idea btw. :D
    Now, lets hope Momeraths updates soon...

  8. I'm at 45,000 words for NaNo, going for the final stretch, so only very slightly brain-addled for churning out words every day. AS YOU CAN TELL I AM NOT USED TO WRITING OFTEN. Ahem. I hope you had an exciting adventure in the time you were gone?

    I feel the need to add here that my sitemeter counter informs me I'm nearing the 10,000 page views mark, so I have readers, they are just the shy and retiring type :P

  9. Ok I've had a mess around with the settings on my blog, which has not been done since the dawn of time. I've turned off comment moderation and added a pageview counter, which is exactly... half of my other counter. DAMN YOU SITEMETER COUNTER, HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME. On the plus side, no need to write the extra long, 10,000 pageviews extravaganza blog post just yet!

  10. 45,000 words... that's 45,000 words you could have dedicated to this blog. >.>
    What is this 'NaNo' you speak of ?

    An exciting adventure... no, not really. :(
    Just some financial trouble, almost getting kicked out of my house and some weeks of bitching at work from my boss. :X
    So, overall, it was just a boring adventure lol.

    I bet we'll reach the 10,000 page views soon. :P

  11. Oh look, it's December. :D
    Now, where is my update. :X


  12. zomfroflcopterlolmaoanthropomorphicraccoons.

    How could you not know about NaNoWriMo???

    DX It's some epic looong writing thing where you write a lot.

    Anyway, Momeraths: Well, if you add up all the times Jerome and I check back...

    Also, where were you Jerome? If you check the last 2-3 reviews you'll see we thought Evil Kakashi had you :( And he likes little boys!


    I have discovered the magical world of RPing, outsmarted my English teacher and accidentally on purpose threw a snowball in my sister's face. Plus school is cancelled tomorrow, yay :D

  13. Hmm... I'm wondering if that 'roflcopter' is what I think it is... >.>

    How it's possible that I don't know about this epic looong writing thinghy where you write a lot ?
    It's quite simple, actually. I don't write a lot. :P

    If you add up all the time we check back, the counter should be over 9000. >.>

    I... was somewhere, over the rainbow chasing unicorns.

    Evil Kakashi... pfffft, he can't touch this. :X
    Also, I'm not a little boy.. I'm 1,95 meters/6 feet 4 inches lol. :D

    You seem to live a more interesting live than me. :(

  14. @Jerome The roflcopter was built by the anthropomorphic raccoons.

    Aww, sorry you've have a rough time lately :( Christmas and a break from work coming up soon!

    Lmao you're over a foot taller than me.

    Do you have snow where you are? Your homework from this blog is to go and throw a snowball in someone's face: instant life enhancement.


    @Emotianon Snow, does that mean you're in the UK? Or are other places experiencing snow? I don't have a tv so I never know what's going on out there...

    Do you RP at a comm or more over MSN/AIM? I used to RP, back in the day. If you see a mad Dane commenting around here, she was my RP partner :)

  15. @Jerome Jebus, you're really tall :O

    Snow in Ireland :D It's snowing fluffily over here. We were like the only school open in like the whole of Leinster yesterday DX Ironically there was no snow at all on the day we were promised like 10 inches.

    I RP over PM on RoleplayGateway and on communally on Wild Wolf Society. WWS has been going for 10 years, actually! Unfortunatly, outsiders like youse can only see a teensy part of the board :P It's great fun! X3

    Plus it makes me feel more mature than I actually am :D

    And yuss, I remember seeing a Dane around here somewhere... Now, I must go to find and lol at the review with Pedo Shirt. LOL :D

    -Chases a butterfly-

    Also Jerome, your ghost town comment reminds me of the bounty hunter! Heh... Moo.

    -Wants phunny update-

  16. @ Momeraths

    I asked about the roflcopter, because that's actually my username on a Naruto Forum I frequent lol. Don't judge me. >.>

    Rough times suck ass.. but they always end sooner or later.
    Break from work, yes. Christmas.... humbug.

    You midget. :P

    Yes... we do have snow here lol. I live right next door to you in a way, if door means country and you ignore that sea...
    Even though I'd love to do my homework, it's 1:20am right now and it's below freezing outside so, I doubt that there is anyone out there to throw a snowball at. :(

    Also, obligatory "How the hell can you not have a tv ?". :P

    @ Emotianon

    Yes, I'm really, really tall. :D
    Now, give me your pot of gold, leprechaun. :P

  17. @Jerome Perlease. I'm 13 and 5 foot 11. You'll be short compared to me in no time! >:D And nooo it's my gold D:< -Waves axe-

    And yus, Mome. You are a midget :O

  18. @ Emotianon

    5 foot 11... and you're only 13. >.>
    Hmm... you may be right lol, soon you'll be a giant. :D
    You can keep your gold.... I don't want trouble with a future giant. :(

  19. *Mind blown at average height of readership*

  20. -Points accusingly at short person-

    November is dead and gone. I want update! -makes grabby hands-

  21. I agree with the soon-to be giant. :X


  22. About time. :P
    *waits patiently*
